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Professional and certified Recovery Advocates can help you with any questions you might have. Get immediate assistance if you've been victimized by identity fraud or data breach, ask questions about your Identity Care Account, or get information about our products and services — we're here to help! Our team is available and willing to assist you.

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Get the Latest News on Identity Theft

Identity Theft is a crime in which an impostor obtains key pieces of personal identifying information (PII) and uses the information for personal gain. These crimes vary in nature based on the intellect and skill of the thieves. Thieves can access your personal information by stealing your wallet or purse, pilfering your mail, sifting through your garbage, infecting your computer with a virus, phishing your information online, or by hacking into your personal information which is stored on hundreds and thousands of databases across the country. Every year your personal information is shared with large and small companies. You give it out freely when you go to the doctor or hospital, open a checking account, get a personal loan, get a new car insurance policy or new health insurance policy and more.

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Your Information First Newsletters

Our resident Identity Theft expert and Practice Leader, Mark Pribish, authors a monthly newsletter. Access updated information on the latest information on identity theft, scams, phishing attempts and more to help you avoid becoming a victim. In addition to comments, guest contributors also provide their knowledge and insight to help you stay ahead of identity thieves. Using these suggestions and being watchful for the latest scams they identify will aid you in protecting your family and friends against the threat of identity theft.

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